Monday, February 22, 2010

it's disheartening

To realize both guys and girls work very differently.

I guess this is a long entry, shall revive my blogger for wordy posts sometimes.
I post what I like and what I feel on twitter, and the twitter post goes to my Facebook posts.
I've deleted a lot of comments and ALOT trust me; of comment that irks me bad.
The "delete" function is there for a reason.

It disheartening, to realize a lot of thing right now.

People, just because others think and behave differently than you are, doesn't mean they're bad or evil.
Thinking and personalities are subjective and who actually have the right to judge anybody?

Advices are one thing, but do you actually know you are giving the right advice?
Or it turn out and really gave the person the idea you are judgmental?

Girls are generally sensitive, they love and cry a lot, and they tend to express feelings more. That's the same with all the girls i know.
They want the guys to know how they feel, read their post, respond. Get upset over small matter, stays happy over small matter.

Guys are not good with words, not sensitive, lost at what to do all the time, but they love differently than girls generally. Guys are like this, not their fault. And they cry, in silence.

Everything is just so subjective and unsure.

How can anybody be sure to tell me "hey, you deserve someone better"
better is how better?
someone better?
you know who i deserve?
you know it will be better?
you know me?

At the same time, you might be hearing this "deserve better" shit, but yet, inside, you still long for that bitch/jerk that hurt you so bad.

Funny right.

At the point when you tell people the same thing, you think, go and think when your heart broken and missing someone so bad, does it goes in?
Does your heart agrees you really deserves better?
Can you accept it?
Do you even like hearing it?

You see.
I accept sadness and even if my friends when back together with that jerk or bitch, i kept quiet and support them.
Cos i know, one day or even now, I am this stupid and brainless.

It's a kind of faith and believe.
And yes, some sadist, like your truly, enjoy that 9 months of pain for 1 month of bliss.
Lots of people do.

Crazy thing love what.

Before you say, I believe all will be crazy in love before.
Don't tell me you all never done crazy things in love?

And I post my feelings, for my girl and daniel(though you never read and never respond) to read, not for you to tell me what to do and expect me to listen.

I hate comments defending guys.
I think at least TRY to think as a guy to accommodate.
Did you think before posting that filthy comment defending your own kind?
Females can be cheaters and fuckers.
I don't deny.
So guys are cheaters and fuckers too.

Statistics maybe be equal.

But FUCK YOU ALL, guys are the most Jerks that girls will ever be bitchy.

We bitch and fight like a boy for the one we love.
And are called whores cos we let them fuck us cos we love you.

Then why don't I see the man bitching for the sake of us?

Guys can have that dick to fuck.
We contribute holes.
It's two way and the girl is the whore and the guy is power?


It's always a two way thing.
Guys are whores, guys are sluts too.

Both are heartbreakers.
It's just how you bother to meant this break.

Daniel lau is trying.
But I guess, I see the effort, but I don't feel that difference.
I am happy.
He is not the kind, that love me upmost.
And shows.
Cos I never knew until now how important I am and I never can tell.

Though I know I want him celebrate to my birthday with me, I know he wont change for long.
Though I know he does more things for me now, I know he wont change for long.
Though it hurts to hear the date 15, i lived.
Though very much I want him back,I know he wont change for long and I will face that pain again.
Though people might think he loved me a lot, I want him to show in word and visible actions to the world.

Though for 10 months I wished, it change for a while and never last long.
He tried, but not as much as I do.
I know he thinks that I will ways be there but I'm not.
He knows I still love him, but I can always get a substitute in spite still loving.
He thinks things will be back to normal or same after a few months, it might, but he will not change for long.

I tried, even now I tried for him to know me better, but he did not appreciate.

I can act how normal, in front of everyone, but I am single.
Cos he did not change for long.

for the first time, from the bottom of my heart, I don't really care anymore.

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